Centrality in dynamic networks

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  • GHOSH, R. & LERMAN, K. 2012. Rethinking centrality: the role of dynamical processes in social network analysis. arXiv preprint arXiv:1209.4616.
  • KLEMM, K., SERRANO, M. Á., EGUÍLUZ, V. M. & MIGUEL, M. S. 2012. A measure of individual role in collective dynamics. Sci. Rep., 2.
  • LERMAN, K., GHOSH, R. & KANG, J. H. 2010. Centrality metric for dynamic networks. Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs. Washington, D.C.: ACM.
  • MASUDA, N. & KORI, H. 2010. Dynamics-based centrality for directed networks. Physical Review E, 82, 056107.
  • SIMKO, G. I. & CSERMELY, P. 2013. Nodes having a major influence to break cooperation define a novel centrality measure: game centrality. PLoS One, 8, e67159.
  • SZALAY, K. Z. & CSERMELY, P. 2013. Perturbation centrality and Turbine: a novel centrality measure obtained using a versatile network dynamics tool. PLoS One.
  • VUKADINOVIĆ GREETHAM, D., STOYANOV, Z. & GRINDROD, P. 2013. Centrality and Spectral Radius in Dynamic Communication Networks. In: DU, D.-Z. & ZHANG, G. (eds.) Computing and Combinatorics. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Nathan, E., Fairbanks, J. and Bader, D., 2017, November. Ranking in Dynamic Graphs Using Exponential Centrality. In International Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications (pp. 378-389). Springer, Cham.
  • Das, S., 2017. Efficient algorithms for analyzing large scale network dynamics: Centrality, community and predictability (Doctoral dissertation, Missouri University of Science and Technology).